Friday 19 February 2016

Best of The Week - February Week Three

Buy me Once

Buy me once a new online store set up that collates all the products that are high enough quality that you should only have to buy them once in a lifetime. Forgetting the fast fashion outlets of the high street and moving onto higher quality products isn't a new idea, but it has been rising in popularity, especially after we got over the hump of the recession. The website only has a select amount of items as of yet but they seem to rapidly finding and adding more to their listings. From kitchenwear to tools and clothing to toys, it covers all bases, check it out here.

Skepta - Ladies Hit Squad

Skpeta has unveiled his latest track since the massive 2015 hit Shutdown and he's taken a slightly different turn on this self produced track. Taking not so subtle influences from the states by having A$AP Nast singing the hook. This track features East London's finest D Double E and comes with a suitably sultry poolside video. Check it out below.

Shotta Texts LDN

This Instagram account features some of the capitals most unique businessmen and how they advertise their products. All the images are screenshots sent in from London locals, who've had texts from their drug dealers encouraging them to buy their "power snow" and "bangin piff". These are not the most articulate people but when you want a five minute laugh check out the account here.

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