Thursday 13 March 2014

Weekly Picks - Three C's

I'm going to try a new thing on TheFoxesHole and branch out from solely fashion. I feel that I've been limiting myself and by creating a weekly picks slot I can frequently update, on not only fashion but lifestyle related topics.

Caricatures, caffeine and club nights.

This week I'll be focusing on Josh Parkin, an artist who specialises in stylish caricatures. UP Coffee, an app that records your caffeine intake and how it relates to your sleep. Finally, I'll be introducing you to Vice's 'Big Night Out', a feature on the UK's club nights by Clive Martin.


Josh Parkin is someone who I've been following for a little while now, I first noticed his drawings though the tumblr 'A Drawing A Day Vault'. Since then I've been hooked on his quirky unique cartoons. I like the way he can convey unique and interesting fashion items, without compromising his artistic style.

Josh has also managed to put his stamp on a range of other drawings. Such as redrawing the Adidas 'Endorsed by Stan Smith' tags, with everyone from Snoop Dogg to Bart Simpson.

I'm sure there will be big things from this guy in the future, maybe collaborations with larger brands or high profile exhibitions. Whatever he does I wish him the best, he deserves it.


UP Coffee is a way of monitoring you caffeine addiction. I only found out about this app this week and it doesn't sound like the most interesting hobby, to monitor your caffeine intake, but even after the first day I've been hooked. Every caffeinated drink I have I log it, the app will then tell me how wired I am, how I compare to other people and when I will be ready for sleep.

This is all worked out from your height, weight and caffeine sensitivity. It has the caffeine content in all your favourite drinks like a simple cup of coffee or a tazo green tea latte, this means you have no excuse for not logging that pretentious drink. The app has also been padded out with plenty of caffeine related trivia to keep your mind awake.

The app has been brought to you by Jawbone, I've read that it shows best results when synced to the Jawbone Fitness Band. Though I have no experience with this.

Club Nights

I stumbled across Big Night Out on Vices Youtube Channel Noisey It gave me that look into certain club nights I wouldn't attend, like a bass thumping gabber night in Scotland, and gave a more satirical view on nights I have attended like an indie night.

This series is great as its episodes are just long enough to keep you interested, but also cover every aspect of the nights. The editing is perfect making you feel like you were actually headbanging along with sweaty long haired men in an underground metal club. Most of all Clive Martin gives the show its character. His charisma gives the series that tip above most.

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